Spotlight on SDG7: Affordable Clean Energy
Open and transparent publication for research which supports the United Nations’ 7th Sustainable Development Goal
Submit NowThe Sustainable Development Goal number 7 is dedicating to ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. In 2022, global electricity access declined for the first time in a decade, primarily due to disruptions from COVID-19 and the Ukraine conflict. Despite improvements in energy intensity and renewable energy growth, international financial flows for clean energy in developing countries remain insufficient. At the current rate, 660 million people will still lack electricity and 1.8 billion will not have access to clean cooking by 2030. To achieve universal access to energy by 2030, we need to expedite electrification efforts, boost investments in renewable energy, enhance energy efficiency, and establish supportive policies and regulatory frameworks.
This collections features insights and research on developing renewable energy, increasing energy efficiency, and government policy on energy sufficiency.
Featured Articles
Analysis of energy storage materials for developments in solar cookers
Authors: Rahul Khatri, Rahul Goyal, Ravi Kumar Sharma
This research paper analyzes the use of energy storage materials in solar cookers. It compares the properties and performance of different types of thermal energy storage mediums, such as oils, pebbles, and organic phase change materials. The study concludes that while energy storage has proven to be beneficial for solar cooking, further optimization is needed for maximum impact.
Authors: Jacek Harazin, Andrzej Wróbel
This research explores the potential benefits of using solar tracking technology on roof mounted solar panels to increase energy output. A prototype with two axes of movement was designed and compared to a stationary panel in a 5-day study. The results suggest that the use of solar tracking may be worth the extra cost for increased efficiency.
Building a database for energy sufficiency policies
Authors: Benjamin Best, Johannes Thema, Carina Zell-Ziegler, Frauke Wiese, Jonathan Barth, Stephan Breidenbach, Leonardo Nascimento, Henry Wilke
This research paper presents a database of almost 300 energy sufficiency policies in Europe and nationally, filling a gap in existing databases. It is a comprehensive instrument mix of all policy types, not only enabling sufficiency action, but also reducing currently existing barriers. It can serve as a starting point for policy recommendations and further research on barriers and demand-reduction potentials.
What energy infrastructure will be needed by 2050 in the EU to support 1.5°C scenarios?
Authors: Igor Arduin, Christopher Andrey, Tobias Bossmann
The study aims to quantify the energy infrastructure needs for achieving climate neutrality in the EU by 2050. Results show a strong need for cross-border electricity infrastructure, while the need for cross-border hydrogen infrastructure depends on the distribution of renewable energy sources. Existing methane pipelines may be repurposed or have low utilization rates. The multi-energy optimization approach used is suitable for assessing infrastructure projects and their interdependencies.
Introducing the Energy Gateway
The generation, storage, distribution and management of energy is essential to the basic functioning of modern society, however, there are an increasing number of challenges in ensuring its sustainable, fair and equitable provision. Major issues include reducing reliance on fossil fuels, meeting increases in demand, and modelling the transition to renewable sources, in addition to addressing long-standing problems of injustice. Meeting these sizable challenges requires an open and cross-disciplinary approach from stakeholders across academia, industry and policy. Ensuring data, methods, applications and knowledge are made as accessible as possible will increasingly become a critical part of finding the solutions we are collectively striving for.
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F1000Research is an innovative open research publishing venue for researchers in all disciplines, which allows them to publish a wide range of research outputs in Gateways and Collections curated by experts, enables them to accelerate the pace of research discovery, and supports them to get credit for every stage of their research.