Climate Action - F1000 Research

Climate Action

Publish your climate science research rapidly. Openly. Without restrictions.

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Climate change is a global crisis, threatening every corner of the world with rising sea levels, changing weather patterns, and ever-increasing instances of natural disasters. The 13th Global Goal from the United Nations calls for us to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, focusing on a few specific targets, including:  

  • Strengthening global resilience to natural disasters
  • Integrating climate change measures into national policies
  • Improving education about how to mitigate climate change

To reach these ambitious targets by 2030, leaders, policymakers, and practitioners across the globe need access to robust, rigorous research on all aspects of climate science, including meteorology and hydroclimatology. Enter: F1000Research.

F1000Research facilitates the rapid, open dissemination of robust climate science research in our dedicated Climate Gateway, enabling evidence-based action to combat climate change. With rapid publication as standard, your article could be published online in as few as 14 days, so it can start making real-world impact sooner. All articles are published openly, undergoing transparent, post-publication peer review, with expert reviews freely available for anyone to read.

Our unique publication model, combined with our progressive Open Data Policy, makes the Climate Gateway on F1000Research the perfect home for transparent, reproducible climate science research.

Climate Action Gateway header image of lake, trees and mountains

Introducing the Climate Gateway

The Climate Gateway on F1000Research offers a dedicated publishing venue for all research relating to climate change, its causes, impacts, and potential solutions. The Gateway welcomes research in all related fields, from macro- and micro-climate studies, atmospheric science, hydroclimatology, bioclimatology, and meteorology, to climate change governance and policymaking.

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Five reasons to publish in the Climate Gateway

1. Support transparency and reproducibility in research

Enhance the credibility and rigor of your work by publishing on F1000Research, where transparency and reproducibility are built into the publication model. Our platform facilitates transparent sharing of research by publishing all articles openly, alongside access to any underlying data, software, code, and other resources – even the peer review reports, which are openly available to all. Beyond the traditional Research Article, you can further support the reproducibility and reusability of your work on F1000Research by publishing an accompanying Data Note or Software Tool Article which make it even easier for reviewers and readers to reproduce your results.

2. Accelerate the impact of your research

With rapid, open publication as standard on F1000Research, you could see your article published in as few as 14 days, meaning your research can make an impact sooner. This is particularly relevant for fast-moving areas of research like climate science, where progress needs to accelerate rapidly in order to reach the UN’s targets by 2030. With fully open publication on F1000Research, anyone can read, cite and use your work – including policymakers, practitioners, NGOs and fellow researchers.

3. Integrate interactive figures

Let your readers dig into the data behind your research for themselves by embedding interactive figures, powered by or via an iFrame. These figures are perfect for longitudinal data, where readers may want to play around with different data visualizations, change parameters, filter results, and explore the data in detail. Keep the interactivity going with Code Ocean capsules, which support computational reproducibility by allowing users to run (and re-run) analyses right there in the body of your article – great for traditional Research Articles, but also perfect for Software Tool Articles which describe novel research software.

4. Increase the visibility of your work

Once your article has passed peer review, inclusion in Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar and other major indexers will help to increase its reach and visibility. On F1000Research, your article is supported by machine-readable metadata to boost discoverability. Plus, publishing in our dedicated Climate Gateway makes it easier for readers to find your work, thereby supporting the development of effective scientific, policy, economic, social and behavioral responses.

5. Keep readers up-to-date with your research

Our user-friendly versioning system makes it easy for you to update readers on the latest developments in your work. Versions are individually citable and clearly linked on the platform, meaning readers can easily navigate and cite the version they need.

About F1000Research

F1000Research is a fully open access publishing platform, offering rapid publication of articles and other research outputs without editorial bias. All articles benefit from transparent post-publication peer review, and editorial guidance on making source data openly available.

F1000Research advocates for transparency and reproducibility in research, and our unique publishing model supports this at every stage. Articles can be published in as few as 14 days, with post-publication peer review creating an open dialogue between authors and their research community.

How it works    Instructions for authors

More about Climate Action

Want to dig deeper into the Climate Action goal? Head over to the United Nations website to explore their resources on this Global Goal – including infographics, reports, and links to further reading.
Learn more

Ready to submit?

We've prepared guidelines for every article type we publish, from Research Articles to Data Notes, and more. Check the relevant instructions for authors to ensure that you've prepared your paper correctly for submission to F1000Research.
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Confused about Open Data?

Before submitting to F1000Research, make sure you’ve read our Open Data Policy. We’ve pulled together a hub of resources for researchers to help you understand data sharing, so your submission goes smoothly.
Explore the Resources

Research outputs come in many forms. So do our article types.

At F1000Research, we really hate research waste. That’s why we welcome traditional Research Articles describing confirmatory or negative results, and why we publish null studies. It’s also why we offer a range of less traditional publishing formats, so that all forms of research output can get the credit they deserve. Let’s introduce you to two of our favorites for climate scientists…

Software Tool Articles

These articles describe novel software tools created to support or conduct research in any field, including climate science. The articles explain:

  • Why the software was developed
  • Details of the code, method, and analysis used
  • Tips on how to maximize the tool’s potential

Software Tool Articles offer research software engineers a great way to get credit for their work, and increase the visibility of their novel software tools so that other researchers can use them too.

Data Notes

Effective data sharing extends way beyond simply depositing your scientific dataset in a repository. Data Notes make your dataset more discoverable, useable and reproducible by providing a detailed description of the data itself – without any analyses or conclusions. This format gives much-needed credit to data producers who often go unrecognized, and could even support new research collaborations across different fields of study.

Featured articles

Functional genomic approaches to improve crop plant heat stress tolerance [version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

Baljeet Singh, Neha Salaria, Kajal Thakur, Sarvjeet Kukreja, Shristy Gautam, Umesh Goutam 

Heat stress poses a prominent threat to food security around the world as global warming progresses. Previous methods used to improve heat stress tolerance in crop plants have had limited success - but recent advances in genomics, such as next generation sequencing techniques, availability of genome sequences, and advanced biotechnological tools, bring new opportunities to research this area further.

This article examines the potential of various functional genomic approaches in the process of discovering novel genes related to heat stress.

Comparison of the oxidative potential of primary (POA) and secondary (SOA) organic aerosols derived from α-pinene and gasoline engine exhaust precursors [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

Christopher Lovett, Mohamad Baasiri, Khairallah Atwi, Mohammad H. Sowlat, Farimah Shirmohammadi, Alan L. Shihadeh, Constantinos Sioutas

Primary (POA) and Secondary (SOA) Organic Aerosols play an important role in the development of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, through systemic inflammation and cellular oxidative stress.

This study from the Climate Action Gateway measures the in vitro oxidative stress response of alveolar macrophages exposed to particulate matter. The findings highlight the importance of monitoring and controlling anthropogenic emissions in the urban atmosphere.

A new era in scholarly communication

In this blog, Rebecca Lawrence explores how lessons from the coronavirus pandemic can shape the future of scholarly communication, particularly for research relating to global emergencies.
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F1000Research supporting reproducible science

Michael Markie explores how F1000Research’s role in the UK Reproducibility Network’s Stakeholder Engagement Group helps us to improve our standards for reproducible research.
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