Genetics and genomics research plays an important role in understanding diseases, and provides insights into the biology of organisms. Ensuring research and data in this area are open access, rapidly available, and reproducible is crucial in advancing medicine and preventing diseases.
F1000Research is the ideal publishing platform for all your genetics & genomics biology outputs – from traditional Research Articles to Software Tools, Data Notes, and Method Articles, which help to tell the full story of your research and place findings at the forefront of scientific innovation. We welcome articles covering all areas of genomics and genetics, including:
Epidemiological genetics
Evolutionary genetics
Genetics of disease
Precision medicine & medical genomics
Ecological and environmental genetics
Plant genomics
Genome sequencing
Technology and methods
As a pioneer in open science, F1000Research provides a high-quality venue for scholars, researchers, and academics to disseminate research outputs quickly and openly whilst also benefitting from a post-publication peer review process. Once your article is published, the research is then immediately available to read, share, cite and start making an impact.

Visit the Genomics and Genetics Gateway
This dedicated Gateway brings together an expert board of academic advisors and enables you to submit and contribute alongside other scholars to highlight open research across genomics, genetics and inheritance.
Featured Genetics and Genomics Research
Genome Note: An updated version of the Madagascar periwinkle genome [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]
Clément Cuello and Emily Amor Stander.
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Research Article: Disease association and comparative genomics of compositional bias in human proteins [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
Christos E. Kouros, Vasiliki Makri, Christos A. Ouzounis, Anastasia Chasapi.
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Software Tool Article: Gene expression data visualization tool on the o²S²PARC platform [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
Hiba Ben Aribi, Mengyuan Ding, Anmol Kiran.
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Method Article: Unraveling the timeline of gene expression: A pseudotemporal trajectory analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
Jinming Cheng,Gordon K. Smyth, Yunshun Chen
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Thanks to our rapid publication model, your research is quickly available to read, share and cite. Once published, all articles undergo our unique post-publication peer review process that encourages a collaborative and constructive approach to research.
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