Gates Open Research

A dedicated open research publishing platform for all fields of Gates-funded research.

Benefits of Publishing with Gates Open Research

There are no author-facing fees for researchers who are partially or wholly Gates-funded, since publication costs are funded centrally by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Research transparency: All research is published freely and openly, including any data used within research, to ensure maximum transparency, reproducibility, and collaboration.

Rapid publication: Peer review is conducted post-publication to ensure new research findings can be shared without delay.

No publication charges: As a Platform for recipients of Gates funding, there are no costs to authors for publishing on the Platform.

Open peer review: Peer review is conducted openly to ensure full transparency and enable others to build upon expert guidance.

All research outputs welcomed: All research outputs can be published, from traditional Research Articles to Data Notes to Study Protocols. All results are welcomed, including negative or null results and reanalyses of previous studies with new results.

Resources for Researchers Hub

At F1000, we do things differently. Our publishing model puts openness center stage to accelerate the reach of knowledge.

On our Resources for Researchers hub, you’ll find all the information you need to take your manuscript from submission to publication, including:

  • How our publishing model works

  • The article types we publish

  • Our data and ethics policies

  • How to submit your paper

  • Details on our pre-publication checks

  • Our open peer review process

  • Article revisions

How does peer review at Gates Open Research differ?

Our peer review process is formal, invited, and fully open (meaning the reports are published alongside the article, along with reviewer names and affiliations).

Authors and our editorial team collaborate to identify reviewers, rather than editors solely leading the process.

Peer review takes place after the article has been published openly on the platform, so your research can start being read and used while expert reviewers assess it.

Reviewers are asked to assess the quality and validity of the research – so null and negative studies are welcome on Gates Open Research and won’t be reviewed any differently.

Peer review is applied to all article types, not just Research Articles, and we offer the chance for co-reviewing, where early career researchers can work alongside a more senior researcher to review an article.

How the F1000 Publishing Model Works

Thinking of publishing your paper on one of our online publishing Platforms?

Before submitting your research, make sure you understand how our innovative publishing model works.

With the F1000 model, you can publish your research openly in just 4 simple steps:

  • Article Submission

  • Publication and data deposition

  • Open peer review and user commenting

  • Article revision

Ready to publish your research?

If you’re a Gates Foundation-funded researcher looking to make the most of this innovative peer review process, you can publish your work with Gates Open Research with no author facing fees.

Support with peer review and publishing

Our in-house team are here to ensure that all articles on Gates Open Research undergo the same rigorous process and that authors have all the support they need when publishing with the platform. Get in touch with the team today!

Still not certain about open peer review? We’ve rounded up 8 things you need to know to get started, from the different types of open peer review across the industry to how open peer review reports can be cited as their own resource.

Want to know more about publishing with Gates Open Research? We’ve outlined the five simple steps to get your research ready for submission on the platform, from author eligibility and prepublication checks to data sharing and ethical approvals.

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